About Us

A passion to see people fulfil their God-given calling in every area of their lives
Senior Pastors Calvin & Cyan Patterson

10+ Years of Serving God and Loving His People

Covenant CFC (Christian Family Church), led by Ps Calvin and Cyan Patterson, is focused on implementing God’s plan in the greater Durban area, based in Umhlanga. We aim to use the ministry’s four main values as tools to impact the community around us, and encourage people to develop a real relationship with God. 

Covenant CFC is family focused (it’s in our name!) and we believe in building lasting relationships as a church community. We have a steadfast love for the community around us and unwavering dedication to the teaching and preaching of God’s perfect Word. Our vision is to branch out and plant two more churches within the next 5 years, in the Ballito and Hillcrest areas.

Covenant CFC Bible Icon

We are earnestly committed to the teaching and preaching of God’s perfect Word

Praise Hands

We will always place a great emphasis on pure, unapologetically intimate worship

Covenant CFC Reflective Vest Icon

We encourage all of our congregation to not only hear the Word but actively demonstrate it wherever they may be

Helping Hands

We believe in building lasting relationships with one another, which includes always being available to lovingly correct one another when necessary, and to praise God when we see each other succeed – this is discipleship!


Every Sunday | 09:00 | Atholton Primary Umhlanga

We'd love for you to join us!

Covenant CFC FREE Bible reading checklist

2 Timothy: 15 – 17, ” & how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed & is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting & training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.


Thank you for your support!


Account Holder: Covenant CFC

Account No.: 62878003004   Branch Code: 250655


All your giving is focused on developing the church and supporting the surrounding community. Whether it be tithe, offering or donation based. Covenant Christian Family Church will continue to make an impact in the Umhlanga and surrounding areas through developing people and planting home based groups as well as further church premises for the locals to come together.

Let's Connect!

Come Join Us!

Covenant Christian Family Church is the home to many different people, races, and genders. We love on any one who is willing to receive it. As a church we believe in sharing the truth with our members and are not here to please people, nor are we here to water down our faith. We hope to build people up and drive them to new levels of Faith and works within their community. Life groups will be run from leaders homes midweek to enable fellowship in smaller environments and growth between members. Our four main values will be focused on in these groups being Word, Worship, Works, and  Accountability. 

Word is the infallible truth that comes from the Bible. Worship conducted through service and deeds to glorify the Lord as well as through Dance and Music. Works, serving the community and the body Christ – the church. Accountability – supporting one another and keeping each-other on the straight and narrow.

Ps Calvin and Cyan were planted out of CFC Empangeni and Richards Bay (under the leadership of their parents, Ps Graham and Mary Patterson) where they still serve as pastors, and thus Covenant Christian Family Church Umhlanga was born.

Get Involved

One of the greatest ways to love God is by serving His people. If you have been here a while, why not consider volunteering to serve? 

1 Peter 4:10 – ” Each one should use whatever gift he / she has received to serve others, faithfully  administering God’s Grace in its various forms.”
